Is it possible to position an online store yourself? This issue raises interest, but also doubts among people setting…
Designing and creating web sites
Your company has just been established, or maybe it has been on the market for some time?
Currently, the website is a showcase of every professionally operating company. Get noticed on the web, gain trust and new customers! You already have your own website, but you want to modify it? That’s great because we also rebuild websites.
How do we create websites in our interactive agency?
We know your expectations and needs
A thorough analysis of your company, industry, competition and the behavior of potential customers will allow us to create the perfect website. We want to get to know your expectations as best as possible so that the end result will fully satisfy you.
We offer unique content for the website
We are able to offer you unique graphics and texts for the website. Thanks to them, you will build a unique image of your company and improve the visibility of the website in the search engine.
We design in accordance with User Experience (UX)
We will make sure that your new website is clear and intuitive to use. As a result, it will make a positive impression on your customers who want to stay longer and get to know your offer better.
We carry out optimization activities
We pay a lot of attention to website optimization. We perform activities that make your website friendly to search engine robots, and thus improve its visibility in search results.
Intuicyjna obsługa
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Twoi odbiorcy będą zachwyceni łatwością, z jaką możliwe jest poruszanie się po nowej stronie internetowej. Pamiętaj, że im witryna jest bardziej intuicyjna, tym rosną szanse na to, że użytkownik pozostanie na niej dłużej i zapozna się z większą ilością treści.
Dostosowanie do urządzeń mobilnych
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Duża część ruchu generowanego na stronach internetowych pochodzi z urządzeń mobilnych. Obecnie jest to niezwykle wygodne rozwiązanie. Po telefon sięgamy stojąc w zatłoczonym autobusie, w poczekalni u lekarza czy podczas przerwy w pracy. Możesz oczekiwać więc, że Twoja strona internetowa będzie w pełni dostosowana do obsługi poprzez smartfon czy tablet.
Oryginalna treść
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Twoja nowa strona internetowa może zostać wzbogacona o oryginalną grafikę oraz teksty. To nie tylko świetny sposób na zbudowanie określonego wizerunku firmy oraz przykucie uwagi odbiorców, ale także wzmocnienie pozycji strony www w wyszukiwarce.
Przejrzysty układ
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Pierwsze wrażenie naprawdę ma znaczenie! A na pewno w przypadku wizualnej odsłony strony internetowej. Twoja witryna powinna być przejrzysta i estetyczna – tak, aby użytkownik mógł szybko znaleźć potrzebne mu informacje i jednocześnie chciał pozostać na niej dłużej.
Szybkość i niezawodność
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Twoja strona internetowa musi być szybka. Wydłużone ładowanie czy zacinanie się skutecznie zniechęcają użytkowników do dalszego przeglądania witryny. Odpowiednio zoptymalizowana strona www to podstawa.
Łatwa edycja treści
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Strona internetowa musi być przyjazna nie tylko dla Twoich odbiorców, ale również dla Ciebie. Prosty w obsłudze panel administratora pomoże Ci szybko i sprawnie dodawać, usuwać oraz modyfikować wszelkie treści.
See all website features
How can we help you?
How long does it take to create a website?
We are able to answer this question only after talking to you, i.e. when we get to know your expectations and the specifics of the company and the industry in which you operate. The time it takes to create a website varies depending on how complex the project is. Therefore, please contact us and we will tell you how much time we need to build your website.
How much does it cost to build a website?
As in the case of the time it takes to design and build a website, the cost of building a website depends on how complicated the project is, including what types of functionalities have been used. Please contact us – after we get to know your needs and expectations in detail, our interactive agency will determine the cost of the website.
Do you want to build a website with our interactive agency but you do not live in Wroclaw?
No worries! We serve clients from all over poland and beyond. We always focus on full professionalism – regardless of whether we serve clients at our headquarters in Wrocław or remotely.
We share knowledge
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Ze względu na silną konkurencję w Internecie, odpowiednie zoptymalizowanie e-commerce tak, by skutecznie wypozycjonować sklep niskim kosztem, to duże…
What will you gain from a professional website?
You will reach new recipients
Do you run your business stationary? Let the world know you – or at least the inhabitants of your town. Thanks to the website, many of them will find out about the existence of your company.
You will make customers access to information
The website will allow any interested person to be able to quickly and efficiently find all the necessary information, including about offered services and promotions.
You will have better contact with customers
Your customers will be able to contact you using a special form on the website. What’s more, you can create entries in which you answer their questions, tell a bit about the company or introduce your team. As a result, customers will trust you more.
You will increase your visibility
Unique content, keywords and appropriate website optimization are a way for your website’s position to jump up in the search engine results, and thus for your company to become more visible and gain more customers.
You will easy access to your services
Your website may allow users to register and then access a special area (such as the listener area in the case of a language school). Your clients will be able to check the details of the services they currently use at any time.
You will build the right image of the company
A professional website with unique graphics and texts will help you build the right image of your company. Your customers will gain more trust in you and will be more willing to use the services offered.
Our interactive agency ComputerSoft from Wrocław specializes in designing and creating unique websites that meet the highest requirements. You can also join the ranks of our satisfied customers!